Error: Create from GxServer: Gx16 KB: AprovedPurchaseOrder

Error: Create from GxServerGx16 KB: AprovedPurchaseOrder

Processing file 25 of 25 
Processing files... done.
Updating ApprovePurchaseOrder... done!
warning: Knowledge Base at 'D:\KBs\KB16\ApprovePurchaseOrder' contains items that GeneXus doesn't know how to handle and will therefore be inaccessible.

It is likely that the Knowledge Base has been previously opened with a GeneXus installation which had extensions that are not present in the current one.

These items are:
* 'Fiori' - 'Fiori for Web' (GUID 588cdeab-864b-40ad-a656-d6263d076b85)
    Provided by 'GeneXus Patterns' (GUID df0eb164-d030-4b53-b022-0ea225fb61d6).

Working on this Knowledge Base may lose information related to these unknown items.
Applying standard resources updates to Language 'English' in ApprovePurchaseOrder
Processing file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\GeneXus\GeneXus16\Startup\Common\CommonApi.xpz'...
Checking Import References...Finished
Reading import file objects...Finished
Importing Folder 'Common'... was not changed
Importing External Object 'GlobalEvents'... was not changed
Processing file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\GeneXus\GeneXus16\Startup\Common\GeneXusModule.xpz'...
Checking Import References...Finished
Reading import file objects...Finished
Importing Module 'GeneXus'... was not changed
Create Knowledge Base Success

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