157389 Fwd: Re: ( Nada es ..) Re: 10/9/14d Naturaleza impresionante


Trees with character


Arches Natl Park, Utah

Brazilian Grape Tree (also known as Jabuticaba) does not use branches to grow fruits. It grows fruits (and flowers) directly on the trunk.


Holding On: This rock formation is called chapel rock, The tree you see on the rock is only kept alive by the root root bridge on the left. Amazing!


The Tule Tree, listed as one of the ten greatest trees in the world.


500 year old candelabra redwoods growing the "enchanted forest" on shady dell in California


The Angel Oak, Beloved Charleston Landmark. Thought to be the oldest Oak in North America, if not the World at over 1500 years old. Remarkable.

My Favorite !


"¿Las razones de tu sufrimiento?
Querer controlarlo todo, desear que las cosas sean como tú quieres, aferrarse a lo que no puede ser, desear que el pasado sea diferente, querer que otros sean como tú quieres que sean, no aceptarte tal como eres en cada momento. 
En resumen, vivir en tu mente y perderte del presente." 
Inhala, y Dios se acerca a ti.
Mantén la inhalación y Dios permanece contigo.
Exhala, y tú te aproximas a Dios.
Mantén la exhalación, y te entregas a Dios.



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