Gx Tilo, Off Line Apps


KB:Sales Force Offline Example

This KB is an example of an offline App. It emulates a Sales Force Automation app, that has the following characteristics:

  • When connected, the user can load all Customers to visit and Produts that can sells ( Master tables).
  • With or without internet connection, the user is able to insert Orders (Events), navigate through Product list and execute local actions, for instance, to calculate the distance to clients locations (using GPS), etc.
  • When connected, the user can send to the server all the local orders.

Getting Started

Create KB

  1. Open GeneXus Tilo
  2. File\Create KB From Server (http://open.genexusserver.com/tilo) and chose the KB "SalesForceOffline" (use your gxtechnical credentials in order to connect to GXserver)

Backoffice deployment

  1. Set your preferred Web generator. Can be Java, .Net or Ruby.
  2. On Smart Device generator, set "Generate Android" property to "True"
  3. Rebuild All and Run
  4. On the Browser execute: Menu / Initialize Server Tables  to load sample data.

SD App Deployment

For this first example, you will notice that user defined web services are being invoked in order to load local master tables from the server. So we need to indicate to the SD app the URL of our backoffice (web app) in order to retrieve the data through these web services.  To do that, open the SystemInfo domain and change the enumerated values "ServerHost", "ServerBaseURL" and "ServerPort" with your own values (taken from your web app deployment).  If you want, you can leave the default values and use a predefined web service.

After that, select the Dashboard object "POSOffline" and Run it.   Notice that the object has the Connectivity Support property? with "Offline" value.

Important: It's not possible to execute an Offline App using the KBN.
If you try to run a Dashboard with Connectivity Support = Offline the KBN will crash with the following error: "The application knowledge base navigator (process com.artech.prototyper) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.Force Close"

Running the application

  1. Once the app is installed on the device/emulator, the first step is to load the master tables from the server. This can be done through the "Load Data" menu option.
  2. At this point you can start using the application in offline mode.
  3. Select one of the customer to visit and from "Add Products" , start to add products to the customer's order.
  4. To complete the sales process for a customer, press the "Checkout" button.
  5. To see the Orders already inserted, go to "Local Orders" menu option. There you have an option to send that orders pending to send to the server.
  6. From "Local Order" dashboard option, you can see all pendings and working orders, and by means of the "Send" menu option you can send it to the server, whenever you have internet connection
  7. The server will return the order status. Also you can check that orders from your Web backoffice application.

Hope you find it useful!

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KnowledgeBase SalesForceOffline
GeneXus Server URL here
RSS URL here
Knowledge Base: 'SalesForceOffline' Version: 'SalesForceOffline'
New: Products List now is loaded by blocks, to show how can be done with GeneXus. This is useful...
by GXTechnical\mazzilli - Mon, 14 Jan 2013 15:18:02 Z
New: Products List now is loaded by blocks, to show how can be done with GeneXus. This is useful for tables with many records, that could cause an OutOfMemoryError exception calling the rest service.

Objects changed:
  • DataProvider GetAllProducts. Modified on 1/14/2013 1:54:06 PM
  • DataProvider GetTotalProducts. Inserted on 1/14/2013 1:57:19 PM
  • Procedure InitializeServerDataSamples. Modified on 1/14/2013 2:01:34 PM
  • Procedure SyncReceive. Modified on 1/14/2013 3:07:39 PM
  • SDT SDTTotal. Inserted on 1/14/2013 12:19:54 PM
  • WebPanel Menu. Modified on 1/14/2013 2:51:57 PM
By GXTechnical\mazzilli on Monday, January 14, 2013 at 3:18:02 PM
fix: New controls to avoid re-send a confirmed Order, that could cause a "Record Already Exists" ...
by GXTechnical\mazzilli - Fri, 11 Jan 2013 13:16:58 Z
fix: New controls to avoid re-send a confirmed Order, that could cause a "Record Already Exists" error. - Customer is taken out from the "Customers To Visit" list when their order is checked out - Control to avoid updating a confirmed order in "Local Orders" .

Objects changed:
  • DataSelector CustomersNotVisited. Inserted on 1/11/2013 12:36:29 PM
  • Procedure SyncReceive. Modified on 1/11/2013 12:35:08 PM
  • Transaction Customer. Modified on 1/11/2013 12:38:53 PM
  • WorkWith WorkWithCustomer. Modified on 1/11/2013 12:34:27 PM
  • WorkWithDevices WorkWithDevicesPurchaseOrder. Modified on 1/11/2013 12:38:20 PM
  • WorkWithDevices WorkWithDevicesCustomer. Modified on 1/11/2013 12:36:52 PM
  • Attribute CustomerVisited. Inserted on 1/11/2013 12:34:25 PM
By GXTechnical\mazzilli on Friday, January 11, 2013 at 1:16:58 PM
by GXTechnical\mazzilli - Fri, 11 Jan 2013 13:14:24 Z

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