The cases requiring the creation of a temporary table when executing a database reorganization are those that cannot be solved only with SQL statements. The generator used to run the database reorganization will create and execute a conversion program during the reorganization; these reorganizations are detailed here. You will identify these kind of database reorganizations in the IAR (Impact Analysis Report); for these cases a temporary table will be created and a GeneXus program or SQL statement will be used to copy the data to the new structures. Each table conversion will generate a <TableName>conversion file detailing the following: CREATE TABLE [GXA0001] ( .... ) Run conversion program for table <TableName> DROP TABLE [<TableName>] CALL sp_rename('[GXA0001]', '<TableName>') ALTER TABLE [<TableName>] .... Note: in this case the database reorganization sample is associated to SQLServer, you will notice some differences when executing with other DBMS.
The generator will create and execute the conversion program during the database reorganization using the following pattern for each table: <TableName>conversion.cs for C# generator. Samples1. Adding a BLOB attribute to a transaction (using SQLServer until version X Evolution 2 upgrade 3)Note: Since version X Evolution 2 Upgrade 3, this reorg has been optimized, and an "Alter table" is used instead of creating a temporal table (see SAC #32631 for more information) CREATE TABLE [GXA0001] ( [Transaction1Id] SMALLINT NOT NULL, [Transaction1Num] SMALLINT NOT NULL, [Transaction1Blob] VARBINARY(MAX) NOT NULL) Run conversion program for table Transaction1 DROP TABLE [Transaction1] CALL sp_rename('[GXA0001]', 'Transaction1') ALTER TABLE [Transaction1] ADD PRIMARY KEY ( [Transaction1Id] ) 2. Adding a Longvarchar attribute to a transaction (using SQLServer until version X Evolution 2 Upgrade 3)Note: Since version X Evolution 2 Upgrade 3, this reorg has been optimized, and an "Alter table" is used instead of creating a temporal table (see SAC #32631 for more information) CREATE TABLE [GXA0001] ( [Transaction1Id] SMALLINT NOT NULL, [Transaction1Num] SMALLINT NOT NULL, [Transaction1LongVC] VARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL) INSERT INTO [GXA0001] ([Transaction1Id], [Transaction1Num], [Transaction1LongVC]) SELECT [Transaction1Id], [Transaction1Num], '' FROM [Transaction1] T1 DROP TABLE [Transaction1] DROP TABLE [Transaction1] CALL sp_rename('[GXA0001]', 'Transaction1') ALTER TABLE [Transaction1] ADD PRIMARY KEY ( [Transaction1Id] ) 3. Altering the key of the table, when any other field accepts nulls of the DBMS.When the key of the table Transaction1 wants to be modified (for example changing a N(5) to a N(6)), an alter table cannot be performed. In this case, a temporary table is created, and the data is copied to the temporary table in an optimized way: INSERT INTO GXA0001 (a, b, c) SELECT a, b, c FROM Transaction1 If the table Transaction1 has any attribute which has Nullable property - Attribute = TRUE, this optimization cannot be done so the copy is done defining a cursor for querying the data from one table (Transaction1) and another cursor for inserting in the other table. 4. The size of a character attribute is changed to a minor oneFor example if there is an attribute, and its type is Char(60), and the reorg consists in changing it to Char(40), a temporary table is created. The script is as follows: CREATE TABLE [GXA0001] ( [TrnCharactersId] SMALLINT NOT NULL, [TrnCharactersChar60To40] CHAR(40) NOT NULL) Run conversion program for table TrnCharacters DROP TABLE [TrnCharacters] CALL sp_rename('[GXA0001]', 'TrnCharacters') ALTER TABLE [TrnCharacters] ADD PRIMARY KEY ( [TrnCharactersId] ) Note: This case was optimized since Salto Beta 1 version. Others
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